Monday 15 December 2014

The Clock Tower

This is a short film made by Cara Antonelli, produced at Ringling College of Art and Design.

This short shows the story of a dancer that is a part of a clock situated in a very huge tower in the middle of a town. When the lady is dancing, she sees ballons and she wants to catch one, so she goes out the tower. In the very moment that she goes out of her usual place, life stops. She walks for the town, but everything is grey and lifeless. When she touches a ballon, it gets life, but in the moment that she isn't touching it, the ballon reaches his previous place and it turns grey and lifeless again.
So the lady, very sad, gets back to her place in the tower and she starts dancing again. And then...

I didn't know what to write about, I saw all the videos and I wasn't decided so I start seeing them again and I realized that this is the short that had more meaning, at least for me. Because it shows that for the happiness of someone, is necessary someone else. because without that lady, anybody in the world could be happy. The lady wanted to be happy with them, but she understood that without her, anyone could be happy, so she decided to make the rest happy.

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