Sunday 16 November 2014

...into the Foreign Avenue

 When everybody is in bed, when there is no soul able to keep awake, some strange things can happen. I specially remember that night. There were two young lovers having one of their best days. I think they were recently engaged and were so happy that they didn’t realize that they were going into the Foreign Avenue, the last night of the tenth month. A quite… unusual place. When they passed the border of the Avenue, they had the feeling that someone, or something, was looking at them. They walked for two hours and then… they found out they were lost. Suddenly, they heard a very high scream. The woman started to shake, and the man was so frightened that he couldn’t even move. In front of their eyes there was a cemetery, already scary enough by itself, and over a tomb there was… a man with a black coat and a scythe. He was… kind of burying something… Slowly, he started to turn to them and, in the deep of his black hood, there were two little balls of red light and, the two lovers didn’t know why, but the shadows of his face made it scarier than nothing else. They two wanted to run but they were paralyzed. They can’t even move their legs and so they rest under the eye-contact of that… that thing. It seemed that the Thing was enjoying. Slowly, he started to go closer to the two poor lovers and, with the shadow of a very huge smile, the Thing cut the man and the woman in two and their souls scaped from their bodies and they return nomore.

Nowadays, all children are advised that in this day, they can not go any close to that place, but nobody wants to.

dark fantasy reaper cross weapon scythe cemetery grave wallpaper background

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